About this item
11" x 11" on 18 ct. eggshell w/gold canvas
DMC #5 pearl cotton: white, 612, 740 (2), 743, 920 (1/2 sk), 946 (2 sk),
3371 (or 310)
Kreinik #4 Braid: 5010,
Kreinik #8 Braid: 3215, 5725
Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon: Easter Grass
Rainbow Gallery Very Velvet: V226, V228 (2)
Kreinik 1/16th Ribbon: (032), 005HL, 202HL, 3540
ThreadworX Overdyed #5: 51047 (2 skeins), 51048 (2 sk).
16" x 16" piece of canvas (eggshell with gold flecks
or any other color you prefer)